【Shippment】Estimated to be shipped in mid September, 2024.
Figure Size: 32*26*29.5
Package Weight: about 2.3KG (Figure weighs about 1.7KG)
***Price composition (Will be adjusted according to the actual measurement after the figure is released or the shipping method changes)
- Deposit: 49.9$
- Balance (excl. shipping): 179$ (Scroll) / 184$ (Shikishi)
- Estimated Shipping: 75$
- Second Payment (incl. shipping): 254$ / 259$
- Total (Estimated): 303.9$ / 308.9$
***The total = Deposit + Second Payment (incl. shipping)
***For Canada, South America, and Europe Countries, the extra shipping and tax will be added when the second payment starts.
Bonus (one of two)
- Scroll
- Shikishi
- The free shipping policy is not applied to the deposit products.
- The deposit is non-refundable.
- The second payment will start after we receive the figures. You will be notified by email.